Asset Preservation's 1031 Exchange eNews | 800.282.1031|

Top 1031 Exchange Pitfalls

Taxpayers should always review all aspects of any 1031 exchange with competent tax/legal advisors familiar with your specific transaction, objectives and the relevant facts. This article addresses some of the most frequent 1031 exchange mistakes and pitfalls. Read More »

1031 Exchange Webinar

THURSDAY, APRIL 2ND 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST CPE Credit Available §1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange Issues in Today’s Market. This one-hour  intermediate/advanced level webinar provides a concise and thorough overview of 1031 exchanges for accountants, CPAs, and tax advisors. Read More »

1031 Basics: Reverse Exchange Comparisons

Sometimes a taxpayer may want to perform a parking arrangement called a reverse exchange in which the replacement property is purchased before closing on the sale of the relinquished property. There are many reasons why a taxpayer may need the benefits of a reverse exchange, including being in a seller’s market where recently listed properties are quickly under contract with a buyer or where there is little inventory. Revenue Procedure 2000-37 provides guidelines and safe harbor treatment for a taxpayer to perform a parking arrangement exchange within 180-calendar days from the Exchange Accommodation Titleholder’s (EAT) purchase of the replacement property. Read More »

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So friendly, personal, efficient, and competent.

– Richard G., New York

Top 10 Housing Markets Positioned for Growth in 2020

The top 10 housing markets for 2020 have unrealized home sales potential and plenty of elbow room for prices to grow. Despite most of the country transitioning into a slower cycle of fewer home sales and smaller price gains, the top 10 markets will be better equipped to buck the slowing trend and instead sustain growth. Housing and economic momentum, coupled with lower price tags and healthier levels of supply, will combine to form the perfect recipe to attract and satisfy buyers and give these markets the spotlight in 2020. Read More »

Americans Are Fleeing High-Tax States In Record Numbers

The Census Bureau has released estimates of state population changes between July 2018 and July 2019. One component of population changes is migration between the states. The new Census data show that Americans are continuing to move from high-tax to low-tax states. Read More »


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    Asset Preservation would appreciate the opportunity to work with you on your next 1031 exchange. Give us a call for a free consultation.

    1031 Exchange EAT Tax Opinion

    By |March 24th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

    New York EAT Transfer Tax Advisory Opinion - No Transfer Tax on Parking Arrangements in NY Finding that an EAT's transfer of New York realty to the taxpayer in a reverse like-kind exchange doesn't trigger New [...]

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    The Exchange Game

    By |February 8th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

    The Exchange Game Commercial mortgage originators play a vital role in helping clients understand the multiple moves that can be made on the property-financing board. One of the most creative moves is the so-called “like-kind” [...]

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    Happy Holidays from Asset Preservation

    By |December 14th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

    To all of our Clients and Associates, Greetings and Happy Holidays! At the close of another year, I gratefully pause to wish you a warm and happy Holiday Season. I know that I speak for [...]

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    Critical Information if Closing a 1031 Exchange this Year

    By |December 14th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

    Important Information for Investors Beginning a 1031 Exchange From October 17 – December 31, 2016 Do Not File Your 2016 Income Tax Return Until Your Exchange Has Been Fully Completed The time frame a taxpayer has to [...]

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