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Tenant In Common Ownership and Other 1031 Exchange Updates
Tenant In Common Ownership There are a variety of ways investors can hold title to investment real property. To see a simple comparison, click: Holding Title to Real Property, a Comparison of Three Different Methods. [...]
The Importance of Fair Market Rent and Other 1031 Exchange Topics
The Importance of Fair Market Rent Recent Tax Court Case Provides Important Insights A 2013 Tax Court decision, Adams v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo 2013-7, demonstrates the importance of a taxpayer receiving fair market rent when [...]
Exchanges Provide Deferral of New 3.8% Medicare Surtax & Higher Capital Gain Tax
A 92 Year-Old Solution for Real Estate Investors Facing Higher Taxes in 2013 The familiar adage, “It’s not how much you make, but how much you keep” rings truer than ever for real estate investors [...]
New Tax Information for Investors & Other 1031 Updates
Happy Holidays from API's President Tax Opportunity Window Closing for Investors on 12/31/12 It’s almost impossible to watch the news on television or read any financial publication and not hear about the looming “fiscal cliff” [...]