Asset Preservation's 1031 Exchange eNews | 800.282.1031|

Pitfalls to Avoid in a 1031 Exchange

Advanced 1031 Exchange Webinar for Commercial Brokers

Tuesday, June 29th from 12 PM – 2 PM CT
CE Available

This two-hour course for commercial brokers provides a concise and thorough overview of 1031 exchanges. This webinar tackles advanced issues such as partnership/LLC scenarios, creative property variations such as perpetual cellular easements (cell towers), fractional ownership, transferable development rights, reverse and improvement exchanges, how to avoid common pitfalls and related-party transactions.


President Biden’s Proposal Limits 1031 Exchanges to $500,000 of Gain

U.S. Existing-Home Prices Hit Record High in May

U.S. home prices in May experienced their biggest annual increase in more than two decades, as a shortage of properties and low borrowing rates fueled demand.

The median existing-home sales price in May topped $350,000 for the first time, the National Association of Realtors said Tuesday. The figure was nearly 24% higher than a year ago, the biggest year-over-year price increase NAR has recorded in data going back to 1999.

Sales prices have been climbing sharply since last summer, when lockdowns related to the Covid-19 pandemic eased across the country and many people rushed to find more space and bigger homes.

We Love Our Happy Customers

This is our 4th exchange with API. Every one of them has been a “10” experience.


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    Asset Preservation would appreciate the opportunity to work with you on your next 1031 exchange. Give us a call for a free consultation.

    Tenant In Common Ownership and Other 1031 Exchange Updates

    By |April 12th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

    Tenant In Common Ownership There are a variety of ways investors can hold title to investment real property. To see a simple comparison, click: Holding Title to Real Property, a Comparison of Three Different Methods. [...]

    The Importance of Fair Market Rent and Other 1031 Exchange Topics

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    The Importance of Fair Market Rent Recent Tax Court Case Provides Important Insights A 2013 Tax Court decision, Adams v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo 2013-7, demonstrates the importance of a taxpayer receiving fair market rent when [...]

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    A 92 Year-Old Solution for Real Estate Investors Facing Higher Taxes in 2013 The familiar adage, “It’s not how much you make, but how much you keep” rings truer than ever for real estate investors [...]

    New Tax Information for Investors & Other 1031 Updates

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    Happy Holidays from API's President Tax Opportunity Window Closing for Investors on 12/31/12 It’s almost impossible to watch the news on television or read any financial publication and not hear about the looming “fiscal cliff” [...]