1031 Exchange EAT Tax Opinion
New York EAT Transfer Tax Advisory Opinion –
No Transfer Tax on Parking Arrangements in NY
Finding that an EAT’s transfer of New York realty to the taxpayer in a reverse like-kind exchange doesn’t trigger New York real estate transfer tax where the taxpayer and EAT agree the EAT is the agent or nominee of the taxpayer for non-federal-income purposes. (Note the federal Bartell problem if New York agency is conceded) Read More
1031 Basics: Capital Gain Tax Calculator |
Use our capital gain tax calculator to determine the approximate capital gain taxes deferred by performing a 1031 exchange with Asset Preservation, Inc. Just enter your figures in the form fields provided and click on the ‘Calculate’ button. Read More |
Webinars: 1031 Exchange Issues in 2017
America’s Healthiest Housing Markets
Fannie Mae just released the findings of their January 2017 Home Purchase Sentiment Index which reported that American’s have never felt better or more confident than ever regarding U.S. housing markets. That said, it’s once again time to invoke the TINSTAANREM axiom — There Is No Such Thing As A National Real Estate Market. Nor is there consistent nationwide health in housing. Cities expanding jobs and population no doubt have more robust and healthier housing markets than those losing jobs.
So what makes up a healthy housing market and where are the healthiest of all?
Useful Forms for Tax Preparation
The tax filing date for many taxpayers is just around the corner. The Internal Revenue Service Form 8824, Like-Kind Exchanges, must be completed and filed with the IRS each time a taxpayer performs a 1031 exchange. IRS Form 8824 contains three sections related to a 1031 exchange:
•Part 1, Information on the Like-Kind Exchange;
•Part II, Related Party Exchange Information; and
•Part III, Realized Gain or (Loss), Recognized Gain, and Basis of Like-Kind Property Received.
Help to Preserve 1031 Exchanges
Get involved today! With a new Republican Presidential Administration and both houses in Congress also Republican, the likelihood of a new tax reform bill is almost a certainty. To pay for lower tax rates, there have been proposals to eliminate Section 1031 like-kind exchanges from the tax code. 1031 tax-deferred exchanges benefit millions of American investors and businesses every year. 1031 exchanges encourage businesses to expand and help keep dollars moving in the U.S. economy. The repeal of 1031 exchanges would lead to negative consequences for the real estate market and the national economy, as well as lower property values, economic contraction and job loss. 1031 exchanges are relied upon by small businesses and investors in many industries, including real estate, transportation, equipment/vehicle rental/leasing, and construction. Tell your Congressional representatives that 1031 exchanges are vitally important to the commercial and residential real estate markets and the overall U.S. economy. Go to 1031taxreform.com to learn more and save 1031 exchanges. Start Here