Statutory Limitations on Like-Kind ExchangesThe proposed regulations provide guidance implementing changes enacted in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). These proposed regulations amend the existing regulations adding a definition of real property reflecting statutory changes limiting section 1031 to exchanges of real property. The proposed regulations provide a rule addressing a taxpayer’s receipt of personal property that is incidental to real property. They also affect taxpayers that exchange business or investment property for other business or investment property in determining whether the exchanged properties are real property for Section 1031 purposes. Read More » |
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Opportunity Zones & Tax Deferral
New Opportunity Zones & Tax Deferral The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) created a new investment vehicle called an Opportunity Zone (OZ) to encourage investment into distressed and low-income communities throughout the United States. [...]
Summer eNews
Tax Code Provisions for Appreciated Property Watch Now – Free New Location, Same Excellent Customer Service The surge in 1031 exchange activity has dramatically increased in the Eastern United States. To help provide continued excellent [...]
Spring eNews
Free Webinar: 1031 Exchange Issues in 2018 Join our one-hour 1031 exchange webinar for tax and legal advisors (CPE credit available) on Tuesday, May 8th at 11:00 a.m. EST. This webinar tackles issues such as [...]
1031 Exchange Videos on API YouTube Channel
Find API on YouTube There are many ways to communicate in today’s world and an increasingly popular tool is video. You may have seen the videos featured on our website and social media highlighting our [...]