Statutory Limitations on Like-Kind ExchangesThe proposed regulations provide guidance implementing changes enacted in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). These proposed regulations amend the existing regulations adding a definition of real property reflecting statutory changes limiting section 1031 to exchanges of real property. The proposed regulations provide a rule addressing a taxpayer’s receipt of personal property that is incidental to real property. They also affect taxpayers that exchange business or investment property for other business or investment property in determining whether the exchanged properties are real property for Section 1031 purposes. Read More » |
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Burdens and Benefits of Ownership
Burdens and Benefits of Ownerships It is important in an IRC Section 1031 exchange to understand when the transfer of ownership has passed from one party to another and to grasp the distinction between receiving [...]
New Increase in FIRPTA Withhold Rate
FIRPTA Withholding Rules On December 21, 2015, as part of the Protecting Americans for Tax Hikes of 2015 (the “PATH Act”), President Obama signed into law new provisions that resulted in significant changes to the [...]
Happy Holidays from Asset Preservation
Happy Holidays From API's President To all of our Clients and Associates, Greetings and Happy Holidays! It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I say Thank You for another wonderful year filled with comradery, [...]
Happy 1031 Day from Asset Preservation!
Important Information For Investors Beginning An Exchange From October 17 – December 31, 2015 Do Not File Your 2015 Income Tax Return Until Your Exchange Has Been Fully Completed The time frame a taxpayer has to [...]