Asset Preservation's 1031 Exchange eNews | 800.282.1031|

1031 Exchanges Help the Economy During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Federation of Exchange Accommodators (FEA), the only national trade association representing the 1031 exchange industry, just released Section 1031: Sustaining American Businesses During Economic Uncertainty. This flyer highlights the many benefits of 1031 exchanges to help the national economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. A few highlights are noted below:

  • 1031 exchanges allow businesses and investors to increase their returns by moving into more productive property, relocating to another location, diversifying or consolidating.
  • Small business owners and middle-class taxpayers use 1031 exchanges to transition into facilities that more efficiently meet their needs, instead of being-locked in inefficient properties.
  • 1031 exchanges encourage capital investment for the highest and best use of real estate, thus improving communities and increasing the local and state tax base.
  • 1031 like-kind exchanges help repurpose retail and office space, allowing capital to efficiently flow to where it’s most needed.
  • 1031 exchanges generate jobs and taxable revenue for many ancillary industries including real estate agents, title and property insurers, escrow/settlement agents, lenders, appraisers, surveyors, attorneys, inspectors, contractors, building supply vendors and more.
  • Farmers and ranchers use 1031 exchange to relocate, consolidate or improve their operations without diminishing cash flow.

1031 exchanges are used in conservation easements to improve water quality, reduce soil erosion, maintain wetlands and sustain critical wildlife habitats.

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Webinars: 1031 Exchanges Issues in Today’s Market

Thursday, September 10th
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

CPE Credit Available

This one-hour intermediate/advanced webinar provides a concise and thorough overview of 1031 exchanges for accountants, CPAs, and tax advisors. This webinar covers critical time deadlines, like-kind requirements, fractional ownership, oil/gas/mineral rights, related party transactions, partnership/LLC scenarios, reverse and improvement exchanges, and how to avoid common pitfalls.

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Tuesday, September 29th
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT

This two-hour course for commercial brokers provides a concise and thorough overview of IRC Section 1031 tax-deferred exchanges. This webinar tackles advanced issues such as partnership/LLC scenarios, creative property variations such as perpetual cellular easements (cell towers), fractional ownership, transferable development rights, reverse and improvement exchanges, how to avoid common pitfalls and related-party transactions.

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Existing Home Sales June 2020 — Extraordinarily Nimble in a Catastrophic Economy

Given the record 32.9 percent plunge in U.S. GDP in Q2 2020 (advanced estimate), June 2020 existing home sales levels could be described as unexpectedly resilient, down just 11.3 percent year-over-year on a seasonally adjusted annualized rate (SAAR) according to the National Association of RealtorsÂź (NAR). That descriptor rises to extraordinary when…

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Our 1031 exchange paperwork was flawless and always on time. Thank you.



Support Retention of IRC Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges

Tell your elected officials how Section 1031 like-kind exchanges have benefited you, your business, and your community. Section 1031 has been a vital part of everyday business transactions U.S. tax policy since 1921.

Please take a few minutes to send a message to your elected officials.

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    Call Us

    Asset Preservation would appreciate the opportunity to work with you on your next 1031 exchange. Give us a call for a free consultation.

    1031 Exchange EAT Tax Opinion

    By |March 24th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

    New York EAT Transfer Tax Advisory Opinion - No Transfer Tax on Parking Arrangements in NY Finding that an EAT's transfer of New York realty to the taxpayer in a reverse like-kind exchange doesn't trigger New [...]

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    The Exchange Game

    By |February 8th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

    The Exchange Game Commercial mortgage originators play a vital role in helping clients understand the multiple moves that can be made on the property-financing board. One of the most creative moves is the so-called “like-kind” [...]

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    Happy Holidays from Asset Preservation

    By |December 14th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

    To all of our Clients and Associates, Greetings and Happy Holidays! At the close of another year, I gratefully pause to wish you a warm and happy Holiday Season. I know that I speak for [...]

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    Critical Information if Closing a 1031 Exchange this Year

    By |December 14th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

    Important Information for Investors Beginning a 1031 Exchange From October 17 – December 31, 2016 Do Not File Your 2016 Income Tax Return Until Your Exchange Has Been Fully Completed The time frame a taxpayer has to [...]

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