Dear Clients, Friends, and Family:
It has been 30 years since Asset Preservation, Inc. (API) first opened its doors, and I want to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to work with you on the many 1031 transactions we have handled during that time. I’m a hands-on guy, so I’ve interacted personally with many of you: problem-solving, and helping you and your advisors achieve your goals. I truly understand the struggles and hardships many of you have faced. I’d like to share a message we received from a client last week since it hit home for me in many respects:
“I want to emphasize that I was very impressed with your service. The decision not to go forward with a 1031 exchange was excruciating but necessary to save my business. Nine months of lockdown and/or deep restrictions have taken their toll. Rest assured that if the opportunity presents itself in the future, I’ll avail myself to API’s services, top-notch. Also, your firm was recommended by my real estate broker. I was a bit reluctant at first but was immediately made comfortable when discussing your services with representatives of your firm. This comment isn’t given lightly as I have done at least 3 other 1031 exchanges through other intermediaries; your operation is first class.”
I appreciate this client’s willingness to share his thoughts, and it gives me great pride to be a part of the API family. Your hard work and commitment to service have made it possible for the industry to not just survive, but to shine in this difficult business environment. I have been astounded by the resilience, ingenuity, and dedication observed over the past 9 months. At a moment’s notice, our entire industry has been able to devise the means to work remotely, abide by state and CDC policies, and get the job done well. The technical and human challenges were immense for most companies, yet API made it happen– quickly and efficiently. I applaud everyone at API for achieving this unprecedented task.
Thank you for your confidence in API and dedication to the real estate business which sustains us all in these difficult times. I wish you and your families a safe and love-filled holiday season!

Javier G. Vande Steeg, President |